Juicing Wheatgrass At Home

If so, I bet when you feel like this, you normally grab a soda or a candy bar to give yourself a quick boost of energy. Hey, you're busy, I know. We all do it. That's why there's a vending machine in many office buildings and workplace break rooms. They know we are going to run out of energy and need a quick pick me up.

Nutritional supplements like whey protein, flaxseed oil, wheatgerm and WheatGrass Powder make smoothies more nutritionally beneficial. Whey protein provides energy, helps repair muscles and bones, enhances memory and aids in weight loss. Flaxseed has fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids. Both supplements keep the stomach full longer. Wheatgerm is a good source of fiber, Vitamin E and folic acid while wheatgrass powder is a good source of chlorophyll that is also nutritionally beneficial.

We all know that no one wants to be exposed to the horrors of unnecessary surgeries, radiation and having toxic chemotherapy substances injected in them. But, did you know that doctors who were interviewed at a recent convention, stated that if they were diagnosed with cancer, 90 percent of them said that they "would NEVER undergo chemotherapy themselves, and would not recommend it to any of their family members either!" Not very reassuring is it? Would you submit to procedures that most doctors wouldn't want to have done to them? I wouldn't either!

Eczema of the scalp is on the increase. But it doesn't have to be like that. There are many reasons for the increase. And what you eat is an important factor. You can protect yourself from most illnesses and enjoy skin that is smooth, velvety and strong.

There are several ways to attain wheatgrass juice. You can grow your own trays of wheatgrass at home from seeds and juice it using a special wheatgrass juicer. You can also purchase juice from a juice bar. Or, there are growers who sell trays of wheatgrass that you can purchase and then juice yourself.

Some foods don't juice well and should be avoided. For example, foods such as bananas, dates, and strawberries don't contain much juice. I check here don't recommend juicing rhubarb or buckwheat green sprouts, they contain some toxins that are concentrated in the juices.

Eating these foods unprocessed have a number of health benefits for your body. They contain more nutrition, and are devoid of the pesticides and chemicals such as those used in processing and preserving. This actually helps your body digest and process the food much easier, meaning less burden to your digestive system.

There is a specific juicer type that is actually made especially for juicing wheatgrass. It is called a "masticating" juicer. This juicer presses moisture out of the plant in a way that a regular juicer cannot. This is important because many of the beneficial vitamins and minerals of wheatgrass are found within its moisture.

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